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DOS Batch File
436 lines
@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
@echo off
if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto endofperl
perl -x -S %0 %*
if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl
if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
if errorlevel 1 goto script_failed_so_exit_with_non_zero_val 2>nul
goto endofperl
@rem ';
#line 15
eval 'exec c:\wamp\perl\\bin\perl.exe -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if $running_under_some_shell;
# perlivp V 0.02
sub usage {
warn "@_\n" if @_;
print << " EOUSAGE";
$0 [-p] [-v] | [-h]
-p Print a preface before each test telling what it will test.
-v Verbose mode in which extra information about test results
is printed. Test failures always print out some extra information
regardless of whether or not this switch is set.
-h Prints this help message.
use vars qw(%opt); # allow testing with older versions (do not use our)
@opt{ qw/? H h P p V v/ } = qw(0 0 0 0 0 0 0);
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
$ARGV[0] =~ s/^-//;
for my $flag (split(//,$ARGV[0])) {
usage() if '?' =~ /\Q$flag/;
usage() if 'h' =~ /\Q$flag/;
usage() if 'H' =~ /\Q$flag/;
usage("unknown flag: `$flag'") unless 'HhPpVv' =~ /\Q$flag/;
warn "$0: `$flag' flag already set\n" if $opt{$flag}++;
$opt{p}++ if $opt{P};
$opt{v}++ if $opt{V};
my $pass__total = 0;
my $error_total = 0;
my $tests_total = 0;
my $perlpath = 'c:\wamp\perl\\bin\perl.exe';
my $useithreads = 'define';
print "## Checking Perl binary via variable `\$perlpath' = $perlpath.\n" if $opt{'p'};
if (-x $perlpath) {
print "## Perl binary `$perlpath' appears executable.\n" if $opt{'v'};
print "ok 1\n";
else {
print "# Perl binary `$perlpath' does not appear executable.\n";
print "not ok 1\n";
print "## Checking Perl version via variable `\$]'.\n" if $opt{'p'};
my $ivp_VERSION = 5.008004;
if ($ivp_VERSION == $]) {
print "## Perl version `$]' appears installed as expected.\n" if $opt{'v'};
print "ok 2\n";
else {
print "# Perl version `$]' installed, expected $ivp_VERSION.\n";
print "not ok 2\n";
print "## Checking roots of the Perl library directory tree via variable `\@INC'.\n" if $opt{'p'};
my $INC_total = 0;
my $INC_there = 0;
foreach (@INC) {
next if $_ eq '.'; # skip -d test here
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
next if $_ eq ':'; # skip -d test here
next if $_ eq 'Dev:Pseudo:'; # why is this in @INC?
if (-d $_) {
print "## Perl \@INC directory `$_' exists.\n" if $opt{'v'};
else {
print "# Perl \@INC directory `$_' does not appear to exist.\n";
if ($INC_total == $INC_there) {
print "ok 3\n";
else {
print "not ok 3\n";
print "## Checking installations of modules necessary for ivp.\n" if $opt{'p'};
my $needed_total = 0;
my $needed_there = 0;
foreach (qw(Config.pm ExtUtils/Installed.pm)) {
$@ = undef;
eval "require \"$_\";";
if (!$@) {
print "## Module `$_' appears to be installed.\n" if $opt{'v'};
else {
print "# Needed module `$_' does not appear to be properly installed.\n";
$@ = undef;
if ($needed_total == $needed_there) {
print "ok 4\n";
else {
print "not ok 4\n";
print "## Checking installations of extensions built with perl.\n" if $opt{'p'};
use Config;
my $extensions_total = 0;
my $extensions_there = 0;
if (defined($Config{'extensions'})) {
my @extensions = split(/\s+/,$Config{'extensions'});
foreach (@extensions) {
next if ($_ eq '');
if ( $useithreads !~ /define/i ) {
next if ($_ eq 'threads');
next if ($_ eq 'threads/shared');
next if ($_ eq 'Devel/DProf');
# VMS$ perl -e "eval ""require \""Devel/DProf.pm\"";"" print $@"
# \NT> perl -e "eval \"require 'Devel/DProf.pm'\"; print $@"
# DProf: run perl with -d to use DProf.
# Compilation failed in require at (eval 1) line 1.
eval " require \"$_.pm\"; ";
if (!$@) {
print "## Module `$_' appears to be installed.\n" if $opt{'v'};
else {
print "# Required module `$_' does not appear to be properly installed.\n";
$@ = undef;
# A silly name for a module (that hopefully won't ever exist).
# Note that this test serves more as a check of the validity of the
# actuall required module tests above.
my $unnecessary = 'bLuRfle';
if (!grep(/$unnecessary/, @extensions)) {
$@ = undef;
eval " require \"$unnecessary.pm\"; ";
if ($@) {
print "## Unnecessary module `$unnecessary' does not appear to be installed.\n" if $opt{'v'};
else {
print "# Unnecessary module `$unnecessary' appears to be installed.\n";
$@ = undef;
if ($extensions_total == $extensions_there) {
print "ok 5\n";
else {
print "not ok 5\n";
print "## Checking installations of later additional extensions.\n" if $opt{'p'};
use ExtUtils::Installed;
my $installed_total = 0;
my $installed_there = 0;
my $version_check = 0;
my $installed = ExtUtils::Installed -> new();
my @modules = $installed -> modules();
my @missing = ();
my $version = undef;
for (@modules) {
# Consider it there if it contains one or more files,
# and has zero missing files,
# and has a defined version
$version = undef;
$version = $installed -> version($_);
if ($version) {
print "## $_; $version\n" if $opt{'v'};
else {
print "# $_; NO VERSION\n" if $opt{'v'};
$version = undef;
@missing = ();
@missing = $installed -> validate($_);
if ($#missing >= 0) {
print "# file",+($#missing == 0) ? '' : 's'," missing from installation:\n";
print '# ',join(' ',@missing),"\n";
elsif ($#missing == -1) {
@missing = ();
if (($installed_total == $installed_there) &&
($installed_total == $version_check)) {
print "ok 6\n";
else {
print "not ok 6\n";
print "## Checking installations of *.h -> *.ph header files.\n" if $opt{'p'};
my $ph_there = 0;
my $var = undef;
my $val = undef;
my $h_file = undef;
# Just about "any" C implementation ought to have a stdio.h (even if
# Config.pm may not list a i_stdio var).
my @ph_files = qw(stdio.ph);
# Add the ones that we know that perl thinks are there:
while (($var, $val) = each %Config) {
if ($var =~ m/i_(.+)/ && $val eq 'define') {
$h_file = $1;
# Some header and symbol names don't match for hysterical raisins.
$h_file = 'arpa/inet' if $h_file eq 'arpainet';
$h_file = 'netinet/in' if $h_file eq 'niin';
$h_file = 'netinet/tcp' if $h_file eq 'netinettcp';
$h_file = 'sys/resource' if $h_file eq 'sysresrc';
$h_file = 'sys/select' if $h_file eq 'sysselct';
$h_file = 'sys/security' if $h_file eq 'syssecrt';
$h_file = 'rpcsvc/dbm' if $h_file eq 'rpcsvcdbm';
# This ought to distinguish syslog from sys/syslog.
# (NB syslog.ph is heavily used for the DBI pre-requisites).
$h_file =~ s{^sys(\w.+)}{sys/$1} unless $h_file eq 'syslog';
push(@ph_files, "$h_file.ph");
#foreach (qw(stdio.ph syslog.ph)) {
foreach (@ph_files) {
$@ = undef;
eval "require \"$_\";";
if (!$@) {
print "## Perl header `$_' appears to be installed.\n" if $opt{'v'};
else {
print "# Perl header `$_' does not appear to be properly installed.\n";
$@ = undef;
if (scalar(@ph_files) == $ph_there) {
print "ok 7\n";
else {
print "not ok 7\n";
# Final report (rather than feed ousrselves to Test::Harness::runtests()
# we simply format some output on our own to keep things simple and
# easier to "fix" - at least for now.
if ($error_total == 0 && $tests_total) {
print "All tests successful.\n";
} elsif ($tests_total==0){
die "FAILED--no tests were run for some reason.\n";
} else {
my $rate = 0.0;
if ($tests_total > 0) { $rate = sprintf "%.2f", 100.0 * ($pass__total / $tests_total); }
printf " %d/%d subtests failed, %.2f%% okay.\n",
$error_total, $tests_total, $rate;
=head1 NAME
B<perlivp> - Perl Installation Verification Procedure
B<perlivp> [B<-p>] [B<-v>] [B<-h>]
The B<perlivp> program is set up at Perl source code build time to test the
Perl version it was built under. It can be used after running:
make install
(or your platform's equivalent procedure) to verify that B<perl> and its
libraries have been installed correctly. A correct installation is verified
by output that looks like:
ok 1
ok 2
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 5
=item B<-h> help
Prints out a brief help message.
=item B<-p> print preface
Gives a description of each test prior to performing it.
=item B<-v> verbose
Gives more detailed information about each test, after it has been performed.
Note that any failed tests ought to print out some extra information whether
or not -v is thrown.
=over 4
=item * print "# Perl binary `$perlpath' does not appear executable.\n";
Likely to occur for a perl binary that was not properly installed.
Correct by conducting a proper installation.
=item * print "# Perl version `$]' installed, expected $ivp_VERSION.\n";
Likely to occur for a perl that was not properly installed.
Correct by conducting a proper installation.
=item * print "# Perl \@INC directory `$_' does not appear to exist.\n";
Likely to occur for a perl library tree that was not properly installed.
Correct by conducting a proper installation.
=item * print "# Needed module `$_' does not appear to be properly installed.\n";
One of the two modules that is used by perlivp was not present in the
installation. This is a serious error since it adversely affects perlivp's
ability to function. You may be able to correct this by performing a
proper perl installation.
=item * print "# Required module `$_' does not appear to be properly installed.\n";
An attempt to C<eval "require $module"> failed, even though the list of
extensions indicated that it should succeed. Correct by conducting a proper
=item * print "# Unnecessary module `bLuRfle' appears to be installed.\n";
This test not coming out ok could indicate that you have in fact installed
a bLuRfle.pm module or that the C<eval " require \"$module_name.pm\"; ">
test may give misleading results with your installation of perl. If yours
is the latter case then please let the author know.
=item * print "# file",+($#missing == 0) ? '' : 's'," missing from installation:\n";
One or more files turned up missing according to a run of
C<ExtUtils::Installed -E<gt> validate()> over your installation.
Correct by conducting a proper installation.
=item * print "# Perl header `$_' does not appear to be properly installed.\n";
Correct by running B<h2ph> over your system's C header files. If necessary,
edit the resulting *.ph files to eliminate perl syntax errors.
For further information on how to conduct a proper installation consult the
INSTALL file that comes with the perl source and the README file for your
=head1 AUTHOR
Peter Prymmer